Last Year, when I started this Blog
...I spent a fair amount of time and effort
...I spent a fair amount of time and effort
...trying to define the blog...separate the house from the kids from the Art.
And while, I did not know exactly what I wanted my blog to be...
I knew that I had an abundance to share
I knew that I had an abundance to share
so much so, that I often felt like I could pop,
....and in a town with a current estimated population of 340,
next to a town with a to a town of 41,000...
...there just quite simply...
....and in a town with a current estimated population of 340,
next to a town with a to a town of 41,000...
...there just quite simply...
....mathematically and statistically... not a high probability that I can throw a stone and find 20
.... much less 1000 people....
who might want to
have a "conversation" about the myriad of topics I come up with.
The Blog was the ultimate solution!
I love to write and you already know all of the others things I Love to do...
and more than anything...
I love to share what I LOVE to do.
Over the year... in my Blogs evolutionary process,
I took suggestions from friends and stranger alike.
some said..."Keep it simple".
some said...."Do More."
Some said..."Write what you know" (best advice)."
While others advised... "Don't write so much! "
...and I even had one "friend" tell me, plain and simple...
"If you write a Mommy Blog I won't read it!"..., heeding all of this "feedback"...
I stupidly tried to edit and keep the kids out of it...
...for the most part
...but in doing so, I almost edited myself completely out of the process.
Like I was an Evolutionary Process.
My Kids are a Part of who I am.
And here is another thing I learned. You can't please everyone.
It seems, based on my Blog stats, that the MORE I am as close to 100% ME..
...the more people read my Blog. Simple as that.
Funny. We all just want to relate to a Real person.
We all just want our experience to have validity. (Oprah says)
And while I love drooling over gorgeously designed and decorated houses,
I MORE love relating to someone
who has pulled a rabbit out of their hat...
...or as my Mom used to say
"Made shit into Shine-ola!"
I LOVE relating to a perfectly real person with an imperfectly perfect House!
(Speaking of- I adore Deborah Needleman's new Book-
(The Perfectly Imperfect Home)
Over the next month,
I will be making a few changes to this blog...
no more compartmentalization (S.A.T. word)
There will be no more sections)
Everything - the house, the paintings,
"Teen decor" my "DIY projects" and "my favorite things" will all be in one place.
So if you choose to follow....follow me on
My "" blog will be maintained as
a site for people to see and buy my art...but only until I am able to
make an official website for my art which is on my to do list for 2012....
I leave you with the FIRST of what I hope will be a series of "BARN" paintings....
for my upcoming show.
So for those of you loyal followers who have been with me for this whole ride,
Thank you for hanging in there with me
and my identity crisis
and for those new to My Old Country House
We are going to have a blast! not a high probability that I can throw a stone and find 20
.... much less 1000 people....
who might want to
have a "conversation" about the myriad of topics I come up with.
"our a very very very ..old house." |
I love to write and you already know all of the others things I Love to do...
and more than anything...
I love to share what I LOVE to do.
Over the year... in my Blogs evolutionary process,
I took suggestions from friends and stranger alike.
some said..."Keep it simple".
some said...."Do More."
Some said..."Write what you know" (best advice)."
While others advised... "Don't write so much! "
...and I even had one "friend" tell me, plain and simple...
"If you write a Mommy Blog I won't read it!"..., heeding all of this "feedback"...
I stupidly tried to edit and keep the kids out of it...
...for the most part
...but in doing so, I almost edited myself completely out of the process.
Like I was an Evolutionary Process.
My Kids are a Part of who I am.
And here is another thing I learned. You can't please everyone.
I AM a Mom and an Artist and all those other things I do and I can no more
extract the Mom parts from my writing, than I can extract the Mom parts from my LIFE.
It seems, based on my Blog stats, that the MORE I am as close to 100% ME..
...the more people read my Blog. Simple as that.
Funny. We all just want to relate to a Real person.
We all just want our experience to have validity. (Oprah says)
And while I love drooling over gorgeously designed and decorated houses,
I MORE love relating to someone
who has pulled a rabbit out of their hat...
...or as my Mom used to say
"Made shit into Shine-ola!"
I LOVE relating to a perfectly real person with an imperfectly perfect House!
(Speaking of- I adore Deborah Needleman's new Book-
(The Perfectly Imperfect Home)
Over the next month,
I will be making a few changes to this blog...
no more compartmentalization (S.A.T. word)
There will be no more sections)
Everything - the house, the paintings,
"Teen decor" my "DIY projects" and "my favorite things" will all be in one place.
So if you choose to follow....follow me on
My "" blog will be maintained as
a site for people to see and buy my art...but only until I am able to
make an official website for my art which is on my to do list for 2012....
I leave you with the FIRST of what I hope will be a series of "BARN" paintings....
for my upcoming show.
So for those of you loyal followers who have been with me for this whole ride,
Thank you for hanging in there with me
and my identity crisis
and for those new to My Old Country House
We are going to have a blast!
Interested to see where you're heading!
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower and I've been amazed with your home and loving looking around your blog. I wanted to pass on the Liebster award to you! Here are the details
ReplyDeleteOh wow! I am so excited to have found your blog! I came to visit from Teresa's blog and am your newest follower! I too am an artist, mom and blogger. Your barn painting is stunning and I am looking forward to seeing more of your work and blog. And I'm with you, write about what you know, what's on your heart! Looking forward to following you!
ReplyDeleteDee Dee
By the Way,
ReplyDeletethe book you suggested is currently sitting in my stack of library books!
dee dee
I'm so happy that Teresa has pointed out your blog to all of us! I will be looking forward to following along!
ReplyDeleteI want that blue barn!!!!!