Monday, January 23, 2012

And The Leibster Award goes to....

Please excuse the frequently changing designs...I am fiddling around...what do we think of this one?

Yesterday I was touched to get an email from lovely lady
Theresa Boyd at Theresa D Boyd Blog
and she presented to me
Leibster Award.

Liebster means beloved, favorite, dearest in German. 
 It is a great way to spread the love among the blog world and 
I'm honored to receive it from Theresa! 

I started My Old Country House Blog about a year ago, while I was home bound with a very sick little boy. Previously, I had dabbled in my painting blog, but the commitment was low and I posted maybe 10 times in a year. 

I don't mean to sound overly dramatic, but my blog has changed my life. 
I live in the country..but I am a city girl at heart.
 The isolation...even the peace and quiet is often times suffocating to me, and on top of that...I miss the creative community I surrounded myself with in the city. I took for granted the energy derived from bouncing ideas off each other. I have creative friends where I live..but often I feel like it would be easier to arrange a meeting with the President of the United States than to successfully pull off a coffee date with one of my equally swamped Mom friends. It is our life and we live it...
and we would not have it any other way...
we live...down the street, next door, but often
...parallel to one another, and only periodically our paths cross.
With blogging, I have my community at my fingertips, and someone is always available. 
The inspiration is abundant and rich and I 
NEVER EVER get tired of it. 
I have connected with so many wonderful new friends
and it will only get better as my connections multiply.
I do confess to being a tad obsessed with acquiring MORE blog followers. 
I wish I did not care so much, but I do, and I love getting new followers, 
another connection made...
it brightens my days!
My little Old Country Days

 The Liebster  award is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers, to promote and encourage new friendships among the blog community.  
When you receive it you:

1.  Post the award on your blog.
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them. 
3. Reveal your 5 picks for the award and let them know. 
4. Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the blogosphere... other bloggers.
5. Finally, the best rule of all, have fun and spread the love!

So My Leibster Awards go to...

1. Danielle at "Silver Pennies" - Anyone who does a Union jack Dresser is in my "I did  Union jack Dresser" club. Just by reading her blog, I can tell that Danielle is the kind of person you want to have coffee with. Her blog is the next best thing! 
2. kinzies kreations - Do you like my new Chevron Background? I got the background from this In addition to being multitalented and absolutely charming, she has adorable kids and we all know I am a sucker for adorable kids...especially..babies.
3. this Little Momma - another baby...a seriously cute little fella and all of his momma's adventures in decorating take me back...I wish the internet had existed when my babies were actual babies! Lots changed in 15 years
4. Craftaphile - Another yummy baby...and another adorable crafty Mama. I wandered into photos of her daughter gobbling up a Giant Birthday Cupcake and I was hooked!!!
5. SewRockin -  I won a Singer Sewing contest when I was 13 and I am in awe of Jamie's prowess behind the wheel of  sewing machine! And she has the cutest baby niece! Her posts are upbeat and her tutorials are incredibly well done!
Congrats to all of the recipients of today's Leibster award. I have thoroughly enjoyed this icey lazy Monday, perusing the internet and getting to know some wonderful bloggers! 
Thank you Teresa for honoring me too!

phoebe, my baby girl, in her wonderful wonderful room!



  1. Thank you so much! This means a lot to me. I am also always trying new designs over on my blog (well trying to teach myself how to do it).


  2. Jennifer Wright-LayneJanuary 24, 2012 at 3:45 PM

    Lesli- I love your blog! The pictures of your family rooms look just like something from Southern Living or a decorating magazine! Jenn

  3. Oh my gosh you are so sweet, thanks so much! I really appreciate it! :)


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