Saturday, December 1, 2012


THIS WEEK has been a whirlwind.
My home and my blog and my paintings reached an audience far bigger than ever before.
Thousands and thousands of you.
and I heard from so many of you... with comments about your Pets...
....Complimenting my home...
Loving my paintings....calling the House Crash...

Then there was a point on Wednesday when I just burst into tears...
I was SO happy..SO SO happy and proud...and all I wanted to do....was to call my Dad..
The road called Grief is marked with pot holes...
...and when you least expect it...BAM.... flat tire.
It is my life. 

One thing I learned from all of your comments is that you love color!
And you love my "no-rules" approach to decorating. 
I did not even know I HAD an approach... but, I guess I do.
A number of you have already sent me "design dilemmas"
where to begin?

this is the little drywall situation Sherry mentioned...why you did not see more of my bedroom...
read more here
YES it can be overwhelming. I Know.
I originally considered naming my blog...
"My Old Country DUMP"
sometimes it all feels bigger than me.

My yard might as well be the grand canyon for how VAST and daunting 
it seems to me. I DO GET IT.

But...WHERE to begin.
Lets do this.
I am going to introduce a weekly Post
Call it "DESIGN DILEMMAS"...and you will send me your questions...
Paint colors...
furniture placement....and what to do with your walls...

...making something out of almost nothing...

.....and I will address one question a the hopes that over time, 
I/WE might come up with a nice collection of strategies...for pulling your home, or pantry or Mudroom together...
and Then...hmmm, Maybe I will write a book!
sound good???
Lets do it!!!


  1. I am glad to hear that so many people have found your wonderful blog (I am one of them!). And so sad that you are grieving amidst all the good things happening to you. As of right now, I still have both my parents but they are definitely slowing and ,eek, falling and generally worrying me. So in some ways, I am already mourning how they used to be, but I realize I am lucky that I still have them, for however long. I know that your dad is smiling down on you, and so excited for you.
    I look forward to seeing the design dilemmas and your suggestions. My dilemma would be which problem area to submit :)

  2. Stopping in from YHL! Your country home is beautiful! I can't wait to follow your blog :) I hope that you follow mine as well. p.s. I think the Design Dilemmas post sounds really awesome...

  3. Design dilemma help is such a great idea. Everyone has one. Can't wait to check it out.

  4. sounds great! and yes I loved the house crash! actually got to see YOU

  5. So glad I found your blog. Keep up the good work.

  6. I love your style and your blog! I live in an old home (built in 1875), not quite a farmhouse but similar. We just remodeled our house and I LOVE it. I am having some design dilemmas and am in dire need of help from someone who has great taste like you!


Tell me what you are thinking... YOU are why I write a blog!!!