Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Reason God Invented Vacation

Life is too busy.
I know it.
My husband knows it.
The Kids know it.
All My friends know it...
But we are unable to do much about it.
Even when we try to slow down, we race
to beat the clock, fit it all in...even a nap.

and then...
there is Vacation.
Where the objective is fun
rest, doing new things and eating.
It is like Heaven.

Last night, as the little trolly thing was pulling
me in my giant inner tube, up the snowy mountain
...with rock music blaring out over the loud speakers
...with fresh snow hitting my face...
watching my son flail his 11 year old...
growing to grow up too fast...
bundled up Body... into his tube, 
down the mountain...
racing his Dad
...with my daughter in line behind me
catching snowflakes on her tongue
and my 15 year old tossing snow balls from his tube ahead of me
I thought...
"I am the luckiest girl on earth"

Hold onto the feeling.
When January hits and the race starts back up.
Hold onto the joy of
remembering  ALL that really matters
whatever that something is.

Vacation Rocks!

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