Thursday, February 7, 2013


It was...
Just an ordinary day...I was craving a pop of color.
So I grabbed some pink paint I had on hand...
and did a quick and easy makeover to my Living Room.
No biggie, I do things like that all the time.
Then I got back to my life.
It was a busy week, Cooper celebrated his Golden Birthday
...11 on the 11th!!!
Followed the next day by the long anticipated 
Missoni for Target Event...
I got my Chevron Ottoman...and 
in fact, I was still smiling ear to ear at my Missoni haul...

Still relatively new...I checked my stats 
and I was surprised to see that thousands of readers had 
stopped by ...thousands...
For a long time I assumed  it was Missoni Fever..but as time has passed...
what has become increasingly clear...

It was the Pink Cabinet. 

I get approximately 45 - 50,000 individual page views..visits to my blog...
per month...

according to my "stats"....
My Third most popular post of all time was the 

with  4,433 post views. 

My second most popular post ever was the 

...which to date has gotten 7, 269 views.

BUT The Most Popular Post ever was the 
which as of today.....has gotten 
39, 156 Page Views....!!!

I write about this, NOT because I am tooting my own horn or trying to brag about how
POPULAR that post has been...but instead to seriously ask the question:
What is it about that cabinet ?
What turns heads?
In our Pinterest world...where we now are privy to so many things from so many people....
what makes you look up a second time, or want to know more...

The Pink Cabinet was nothing fancy...
and I have done MANY MORE 
elaborate, creative, labor intensive and room transforming
And yet it was this inexpensive simple quick and easy makeover that landed in House Beautiful!
and NOW
on home page!

Is it  it's simplicity?
Is it as easy as the color attracts? 
I feel like somewhere...
 in the this simple question...
A BIGGER question...

Is it the color?
Or the styling?
The placement in the room?
Or it's proximity to the rest of the room?
The interior light?
The Whole Vibe...

All I know is THIS...
I painted the cabinet pink inside...
because it made me happy.

Very Happy. Smile every time I see it happy.

It is the motivation behind this and nearly every makeover I do...

It is impossible to predict what will make people pick up and notice...and I do think it can make
a person crazy...trying to predict or influence this very illusive process. 

For myself, I focus on the "what makes me happy?"part...
Because that I know.

 I feel like a big part of the allure is completely
out of my hands...and IN my heart.



  1. I enjoy your blog and I'm really happy with your success regarding your post. That being said, I don't know what draws people to it. I...ummm....loathe pink. I think you must have tapped in to the niche of other people who smile at the bright and perky pop of color that YOU love. I say, enjoy the attention and don't try too hard to dissect it.

  2. Ha ha, I actually found your blog because of the pink cabinet and have been visiting ever since. I think, for the same reason as you, it just makes me happy to look at it. I don't have my own home at the moment but, when I do, I am pretty sure I am going to paint a cabinet with a bright pop of colour so it makes me smile as I walk past it.

  3. I think I'm drawn to the cabinet because it is pink, and not blue, black or fabric backed like you see everywhere else (my built ins included). I think I'm drawn to the pink because I live in a male dominated home and have no place to go with pink, but I am plotting to throw some pink into either my master bedroom or guest room, or both. What color did you use anyway??? I'm thinking I may use when I paint my craft armoire!


Tell me what you are thinking... YOU are why I write a blog!!!