Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Yesterday I had the absolute pleasure of
spending a few afternoon hours
visiting with 
a fellow blogger:
the beautiful and MULTI talented and accomplished
Jennifer Carroll 
who has, among other things... 
an Online Magazine- entitled
(Celebrating Everyday Life with Jennifer Carroll)
a Blog and a Website.

 I also had the pleasure of meeting her 15 month old daughter, 
(You HAVE to check out her daughter's recent FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY!)

Emma made herself right at home, 
which I always find the highest of compliments.
Toddlers can't fake comfort and if a toddler is comfy in my home, 
I feel like I have done my job!

Phoebe brought a basket of stuffed animals down for Emma...
and later....Charlie helped himself to a little stuffed
Siamese kitten..
..true love.
It seems Dogs also find my home Comfy....

Jennifer is amazing, her resume' makes me....
 a full time Mom and Artist....
and the holder of 
two Master's Degrees....
feel like I have been picking boogers. 
Her photography alone could be one career.... 
  she also has a paper goods business,   
and ...her knowledge of the ins and outs of 
Simple and High End Event Planning ,  
( ONE of her many businesses).... is vast.
Please take a moment and visit her site(s). 
But give yourself a little time, 
because you are not going to want to leave!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing about me {I'm blushing over your compliments!} and for the lovely time together yesterday! I know Emma loved exploring your beautiful home as much as I did. For me it was so fun to step "into the picture" of your rooms that I've so admired on your site. What a treat!!


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