Friday, June 22, 2012


Hello friends.
A quick note to let you know that I am safe and sound
and having a blast at the HAVEN Conference in Atlanta.
Making new friends, and even remembering a few names!!!

There are all of these moments I want to talk about with you....
So many things I have learned
COOL people I have met
and funny stories to tell
and I will post much more about the HAVEN CONFERENCE.
For now, I am going to share my two latest Pet Portraits...
the internet in my hotel is so freakishly FAST compared to my country home address
I could download photos all day....


French Bulldog

Yellow Lab

one of the million things I learned yesterday and I am embarrassed to say I have not done is "watermark" my photos. 
So this is the very last post I will do without doing that.
And it may mean I may have to use photos other than my own until I figure that out.
My images are precious to me!

On my to do list:
learn how to watermark my photos
set my iso to 100
and my f stop to 2.8
buy the cheap but amazing canon lens.....
learn how to plus One On Google
my brain is overflowing and I go do it all again today!!!
I am hoping to win the BIG saw I got to use yesterday!!!!
Red Jeans!!!!

Lucky for stepbrother here in Atlanta is a very internet savvy writer and I am going to hit him up for some
I-T help!!!

Thank you for your patience. 
and your support.
I am going to take tons of photos today, 
and this weekend and
next week will be
 all about HAVEN!!!!


  1. that picture of you is adorable! i loved those red jeans- wih i could pull them off and look so cool! :) i am definitely going to be asking for a miter saw for my birthday!

    1. me too! I want a saw...and since now all my tooks looks gross to me...I want a new sander, a screwdriver and a bog daddy Kreg thingy!!! I want I want I want!!! good thing my Birthday is coming soon! Are you recovered??? how was your drive back?


Tell me what you are thinking... YOU are why I write a blog!!!