Thursday, May 3, 2012

MY SILHOUETTES...and my total adoration of Carter Kustera!!!

One of the things I paint 
and probably
 a personal favorite are 
my CUSTOM silhouettes...

 MIne are
a cross between the Traditional ones
still pretty Hip I think,
 and the ULTRA-HIP Colorful ones 
by artist
among other places...
on Jonathan Adler's website
 I would give anything to meet Carter Kustera, talk ART and faces and color with him, and just hang out with him in Brooklyn. 
 I just know we would have so much in common.
Maybe I will email him!

This is from an installation in
Jonathan Adlers Store a few years ago!

I found this wonderful Mood Board, 
and wonderful BLOG!
put together by Carla, 
all surrounding a Carter Kustera Silhouette
 I love every single thing about this" room"
you should visit "Color me Carla"
she is awesome!

Tate Phoebe and Cooper

Phoebe....I can see her!!!

all 12" x 12"
...all I need to do them is a 
side view silhouette of the subject
and I take it from there.
...the colors are your choice.
 We can do them to match your decor and I even do bright colors like Carters!
..any age person and/or pet...
...for more information on my 
Custom Silhouettes, Pet Portraits
 or Lesli DeVito Paintings
email me@

1 comment:

  1. Your silouhettes are the most artistic I have seen (much better than Carter's)!It's the attention to detail- the hair & eye lashes- that set them apart.


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