Monday, May 7, 2012

Bogey at Home

last week, I introduced you to Bogey...
..the poodle doggie with the sweet terrier haircut,
the 14 year old sweet boy of whom I painted this portrait....

...and yesterday my client sent me a photo
of the finished product in her home
upon her 
GORGEOUS mantel!!!!
get ready to weep!!!!!

I am over the moon in love with
the whole thing!!!!! 
the Happy Birthday banner....
the mantel the photos...
the baby!!
the hubby, the silhouette 
the love....

....where was all this cute stuff when My kids were little???
This is fantastic!!!
On the spectrum of
 "Martha Stewart" at one end down to
 "here's your gift in a paper bag - I did not wrap it"... the other 
...I fell closer to Martha but still,
 there are JUST so many cute ideas out there now....
sweet touches which turn any moment into a celebration!!!.
I love it!
We are becoming quite the creative artistic bunch!!!!
Happy Birthday!

Thanks for the photo AMY and here is to 14 amazing Dog years BOGEY!

P.S. a while back someone emailed me and asked about a Painting 
(framed print)  I have in my home. No, it was not painted by me, 
This painting, is by a Florida artist named Chris Vernier, 
It is the one on the right with the toes underwater in the sand.
Named appropriately  "Happy Toes"... 
This is a print I bought at a GREAT shop I always go to
at the beach in Duck, NC  called
"Urban Cottage" 
if you click the name above it will take you to their site.
I looked for more of her work there this year..but nothing, 
but I did find this site which sells prints and wrapped canvases.
Her site is here (caution-music) 
and/or  to buy prints and canvases ..
hope this helps!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Monday to you too!
    Bogey looks right at home on the mantel! Great job with capturing his sweet expression!
    dee dee


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