Friday, April 13, 2012


The NEWLY Painted Dining Room!!!


Color: Benjamin Moore
 "Ashwood 0C 47"

This is the way the fireplace originally was...I decided to do something unexpected and fun!!

One of these days...if you are really really good...I am going to tell you a little story, the sweet little story about what was behind that yellow metal piece of metal when I took it off to spray paint it. I will give you a hint...It was not very sweet and it WAS very very old. I am guessing it had been in there for over 75-100 years...just guessing...archeologically speaking...

Pretty table...crooked candles and all...
You come to my house..I give you one orange!!!

I really am smitten with this yellow
...who knew...
I smile every time I see it!
I love to restyle my mantle frequently, and I got the little black primitive 

 "I Love You More" 
Block on our beach trip at a funky little out of the way...Good old fashioned diner in a strip mall of all places! They had the best gift items as well as the kind of
T shirts teenagers like. 

Funny little place.
GREAT Fries!
Finally, FINALLY" Rocky the Rooster" has a home befitting of his royal status! I love how all of the colors play off each other!!!
Again, Makes me smile!
Rocky is for sale on my etsy site. 

I love the way this piece , which as you may recall you have not seen much of, because it is just a nothing storage piece...All of a sudden the ugly duckling has turned into a SWAN!!!

Do you like it with the basket above...or the painting (which hopefully will sell soon and this will be a non-issue!?)

Dashy Likes the new dining room-his bed sits in front of the fireplace...
the yellow fireplace cover ....that is.

 The sideboard

got a little gussied look like this!

So there you have the Dining room...Brighter...happier...more color full...
I am so happy with how it turned out. 

I am wondering...
How much do you use your Dining room?
Do you like your Dining room?
Have a Great Weekend..

Lets Visit the Kitchen next


  1. This is an awesome room! I so want to copy and throw some pops of color into my spaces too.

    1. You should! Try a little at a time! You can always change things back....have fun!

  2. AAAAAAAAAh!!! LOVE it! pinning- the colors are So fun!

  3. LOVE this beautiful space! this is my first time here and I will definitely stay a while :) Great job!

    1. I will never cease to be amazed at how much color can change everything....

  4. Totally different look. I love it--so happy :)

  5. Love it!!! So fresh and springy! I'd enjoy sitting there to eat an orange!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I love the room, and I totally want to know what was behind the yellow fireplace...but then I'm nosy like that!

    2. I love the room, and I totally want to know what was behind the yellow fireplace...but then I'm nosy like that!

    3. OMG thank you for reminding me that I NEVER got around to writing that post! Okay so imagine a giant pile of sand, about a foot and half tall and twice as wide...huge pile...the shape of the space it has occupied for decades and decades.....but when you touch it, it is a gray powder that immediately crumbles, and imagine looking at it, and seeing the shape of a dead animal, LONG LONG LONG since decomposed...NOW I understand the phrase..ashes to ashes....this fireplace has been closed for over 80 years and I imagine the dead rodent had been dead for nearly as was eerily gruesome!! But NOT in the least stinky...the smell much die off around year 40!!!


Tell me what you are thinking... YOU are why I write a blog!!!