Saturday, March 31, 2012



The show is UP!
It was like one of those "Top Chef" or 
"Work of Art" episodes where it is down to the wire and some
last minute "loop hole" is thrown in to confound the my case it was
the realization at 9:30, after 3 paintings (of the total 16) were hung, I realized that the bakers twine I was using was going to break. 
     The Gallery does not allow nails in the wall, you have to rig up your paintings to hang from picture rail, which is a bit of a challenge, getting them even..etc.  anyway...Thank God my husband was there, he ran out to two hardware stores and got fishing wire which I should have had anyway...and we used that. I am not a fisherman and thus, tying a knot that did not slip out was a - pull your hair out...lots of cussing challenge, and getting everything level, and level with the painting next to it....I had a line of sweat on my upper lip and the clock was ticking because the Gallery Opens at 11am! It was VERY intense. But I got it done...on time and just as I was walking out
a stretch Limo of wine tasters drove up and they were headed back to view my paintings. There is a wedding there tonight as well!

I MEAN, wouldn't you want to get married here?!

My dear friend Audi and and I (my husband the photographer)
was also there to help me hang...Thank God!

"BIGBLUE" and "HATTIE" and "SUNNY" (cut off whoops!)
36" X 36"
30" X 30"

16" X 20"

"Gracious" and "Waiting"

"Old Red"

"Ginger-Pie"," Gregory" and "Suzannah"
30" X 40"

30" X 40"

"Billy", "Rue", "Joan" and "Gardenia"
30" X 30"
30" X 30"

"Nina" and "Haley", "MINE" and "Bridesmaids"


"Gracious", "Waiting" and "OLD RED"
 Initially, when I first saw the space, I was a bit apprehensive about the deep red walls
clashing with my paintings....but I think, in fact, that the walls actually complement
my paintings. They just POP!
They look perfect there!

if you are interesting in purchasing any painting  you see on this blog
you may email me directly at

What kind of ART do you like?


  1. You show looks fantastic! All your hard work has really paid off! Great job!
    dee dee

  2. Congratulations to you on your show! Your work looks amazing!

  3. Congratulations, Lesli, everything looks spectacular!!!!!!!!!!!! And what a fabulous venue!!!!!!! IMHO, a little wine always loosens the money belt;)

  4. They look great on that red wall! Maybe I'll get out there to see them.

  5. Everyone is invited to the Opening party on April 19th! 7-9

  6. King Family Vineyard in Crozet VA
    6550 Roseland Farm Crozet, VA 22932
    (434) 823-7800

    If you scroll to the top of this post I have added the invitation with the address and directions...

  7. Lesli, you don't know how funny it was for me to be reading my design blog RSS feed and see something I recognize as local (I have a separate feed just for Charlottesville blogs). I'm so happy to have found your blog! Good luck at KFV tonight!

  8. Thank you Jeannine and right at at you, I am happy to have found you! Your blog is lovely and I can't to read more!


Tell me what you are thinking... YOU are why I write a blog!!!