Saturday, August 27, 2011

When my blogs grows up...the fist Day of School

Off to school they go....

 A million years ago, well maybe 10, but in another lifetime, my firstborn child, my baby boy went to his first day of school...well, preschool. He was all of Two. I called my Mom in tears.  I wept and whined and said "I can't believe my baby is getting SO old!". Having raised 4 of us, my non sentimental Mother recounted how each year, on the first day of school she would wave goodbye to us, all dressed in our spiffy itchy new Sears and Roebuck  school clothes 
and then mosey on inside the house and proceed to do a  little "happy dance". 
She danced a happy jig!! 
If my little Mom, my "Epcot is just as good as going to Europe!" Mother could dance for joy in having her house back to herself, well then, I ask you,  What is wrong with me? 
Why am I not happy? I have got things to get back to. Right?...Right?
8th grader and 9th grader 

5th Grader....

Life is all about seizing the day. At least I think I read that somewhere...or maybe Oprah said it.
I will miss my babies, but it is MY time now to see what I can do...
how far I can fly, how high I can soar!

Happy First Day of School!

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