Saturday, July 30, 2011

You've come a LONG way Baby!

We are in NYC.
and it is my Birthday! 
I have spent many birthdays in NYC 
and I call "Hot and hazy
"my birthday weather"
because that is how it usually is....
but today...
we pulled the black-out shades over and 
crystal blue skies, not a cloud in sight.

must have been the torrential downpour we slogged through last night, 
dodging puddles, 
and holding our bellies stuffed full of
deliciousness from Little Italy!!!

Right before the rain and dinner
I stumbled through ABC CARPET and home
I say stumbled because it is the most beautiful collection of
MY kind of stuff I have ever seen, in any ONE place...I could barely contain myself from doing a 
Broadway show dance through the aisles...
my teenager kept me in line
and also took pictures for me!!

and then we ran through the rain to DRYDEN GALLERY
and found some cows!!!

Me and my paintings ion New York City at Dryden Gallery on 4rth Avenue and 12th Street!!!
What a wonderful way to spend the day!

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Tell me what you are thinking... YOU are why I write a blog!!!