Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Few things...
can you say...
Did you see?
Million Dollar Decorators!!!
I am completely obsessed with this show. 
I have watched and re-watched it 4 times already!
I want to go to Nathan Turner' store and dream:

Nathan Turner - Amanda Peet's House

Jeffery Allan Marks - "You should always decorate a room and put one thing that is an accident."

Kathryn Ireland - A hoot! I love her. I love her fabrics and I love her cute boys! as a mother of two boys lets just say...I can relate!
Kathryn Ireland - Is amazing!
I love her use of color and pattern in classic butnon-traditional way

Martin Lawrence Bullard is a trip! What I could do on his budget!

and Mary Mcdonald!!!
Mary McDonald

I am completely smitten with - and might even pretend I AM her in the mirror...
I can't wait until next week....
and next on todays agenda...
I am so excited because...

I sold a painting in New York!!! 
My Sweet FIG has found her forever home!

p.s. If you bought "Fig" and you are reading this, send me a photo of Fig in her new home! 
I will put it on my blog!
The gallery has asked for another painting, 
so it's back to work. 
I LOVE Painting!
I LOVE Decorating!

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