Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's raining is pouring..so we're going bowling!

...in the meantime. riddle me this. I am now on a quest to make my living room wall, less awful.

I am drawn to this large arrangement of art...we have a large space to fill.

House Beautiful

however, as I have a large space to fill and do not want the art to compete with the TV, I am also really attracted to a cabinet 

like this:
Layla Grayce

or perhaps this:

Layla Grayce
and then there is always this option, if I win the lottery!
Layla Grayce

and for the price of that I could get all of this

plus this...
and this too! and I don't even need it!
all from Layla Grayce....can you tell...I LOVE Layla Grayce!

oh well. time to go bowling!

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