Tuesday, March 22, 2011

House Envy

   I guess I would have to confess that I am in a ongoing state of House Envy.
 I am not proud of it. And while it fuels my decorating frenzy and my quest to replicate on a show string budget...the beautiful things i see, this green eyed albatross also makes me feel ungrateful and greedy and selfish. 
And stupid. 
Yes, If I could snap my fingers, there are things I would love to do to my house. New Kitchen, new roof, take down a wall or two, new bathrooms, new porch and while I am at it, lets just go ahead an put an addition on. 
See what I mean? Ungrateful.

But  I am grateful for the 10 foot ceilings and the humungous rooms, every room, except the bathrooms is 18' x 17', and in fact the bathroom was that size and we carved it into 2 bathrooms and a closet. I am grateful for the character and the old heart pine floors and the mantle in every room and the spectacular 200 year old mirror that hangs above the dining room (the OLD dining room) mantle. I appreciate the view and the land which goes on forever.....and  the daffodils which were planted years and years ago and come up every March, right on schedule.

     But there is one thing about my house that I will never improve upon , what lives inside. My family. They are perfect in every way and I would not trade up, nor could I, for all the new kitchens or new roofs or new front porches in the world.

These photos were taken last Spring. 
Now the daffodils are coming back.
 And soon, it will all be all Springy again.

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