Sunday, August 30, 2009

...Facebook and all...

For now anyway, I am in love with Facebook. Here is my philosophy...people use facebook  for A Multitude of reasons, and I think my  generation is finding is to be a great way to reconnect. But the thing I wonder is this....Do you think, that if we had facebook 25 years ago that we would have lost touch with all the people we lost touch with and are now reuniting with? OR would it be like we took this big old world and reduced it to OUR individual small worlds, like the (who would you invite to your wedding worlds) that I am sure you  have already found out, cross paths here and there, but would we have kept better touch because we could keep track of people.  I think for myself, there are many relationships that I am just now establishing  becasue they were thwarted for different reasons: we moved, or my family is just estranged and weird, or I changed schools, things that often were not in my control. NOW I can define my world. Will it change the way we define THE WORLD, because we now have more control. ?

OR are we going to EVENTUALLY realize why we let all these past relationships slowly drift peacefully out of our lives and go back to not being in touch again? And we will we remember that the best face to touch is the one right next to you and that the rest of the world has their own faces to touch and book. And like live vs memorex we will prefer the real deal and be at peace with the fact that we can only ACTUALLY be in one place at one time.

Lets face it, we bore very easily and I know, that facebook will be replaced by something...better? maybe but different, yes...and how different I cannot say. I wish I had a crystal ball and I would invent it right now. Maybe "Touch book" or "Hugbook" ?

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